Pokémon Uranium Wiki


The PokéPod is a device in Pokémon Uranium that allows the player to view the map of Tandor, listen to the radio or receive calls from trainers itching for a rematch.

Unlike many Pokémon games, the rematch trainers have Pokémon whose levels scale with your own team's levels. They are an excellent way to level up your Pokémon or acquire money. The game determines when they'll be ready for a rematch based on how long the game has been open since the last time you fought them. It will take between 8 and 15 minutes.

You can also use the PokéPod to call Professor Bamb'o to check on the progress of your Pokédex. However, you will still need to visit him in person to claim any dex progress rewards you may have earned.

Betanotice Gameplay Notice

In Patch 1.0.2, the radio now functions by using the "custom" selection in the PokéPod radio, and the options are no longer blank.

List of phone numbers[]

Location Trainer Name
Moki Town Professor Bamb'o (dex only)
Route 1 Youngster Richey
Route 1 (Requires Rock Smash) Fisherman Brandon
Route 2 Hiker Larrie
Route 2 Bird Keeper Brent
Route 3 Bug Catcher Sack
Route 4 Gentleman Sr. Goldkorn
Route 5 Fisherman Luke
Route 6 Lass Wilma
Route 7 Youngster Cedric
Route 9 Pyromaniac Jin
Route 10 Bird Keeper Ravin
Route 13 Dragon Tamer Dovak
Route 14 Swimmer (F) Amalya
Betanotice Gameplay Notice

Phone numbers CANNOT be deleted from the phone, and once registered, NPCs will call constantly. Make sure to save before battling these trainers in case you accidentally say "Yes" to register their number(s) if you wish to avoid them in the future.

PokéPod Trainers[]

Trainer Pokémon
Route 1
Youngster Richey
Youngster Richey
Reward: Pokémon_DollarLow
026 Blubelrog/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 1
Fisherman Brandon
Fisherman Brandon
Reward: Pokémon_DollarMedium
028 Gyarados/ Lv.Varies
No item
026 Blubelrog/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 2
Hiker Larrie
Hiker Larrie
Reward: Pokémon_DollarHigh
034 Empirilla/ Lv.Varies
No item
017 Gararewl/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 2
Bird Keeper Brent
Bird Keeper Brent
Reward: Pokémon_DollarMedium
011 Splendifowl/ Lv.Varies
No item
036 Eshouten/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 3
Bug Catcher Sack
Bug Catcher Sack
Reward: Pokémon_DollarLow
041 Firoke/ Lv.Varies
No item
049 Sponaree/ Lv.Varies
No item
014 Nimflora/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 4
Gentleman Sr
Gentleman Sr. Goldkorn
Reward: Pokémon_DollarHigh
Trainer location06
045 Arbok/ Lv.Varies
No item
047 Tanscure/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 5
Fisherman Luke
Fisherman Luke
Reward: Pokémon_DollarHigh
080 Cocancer/ Lv.Varies
No item
026 Blubelrog/ Lv.Varies
No item
043 Brainoar/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 6
Lass Wilma
Lass Wilma
Reward: Pokémon_DollarLow
059 Ampharos/ Lv.Varies
No item
068 Herolune/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 7
Youngster Cedric
Youngster Cedric
Reward: Pokémon_DollarLow
094 Barand/ Lv.Varies
No item
031 Feliger/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 9
Pyromaniac Jin
Pyromaniac Jin
Reward: Pokémon_Dollar1500
052 Pajay/ Lv.Varies
No item
041 Firoke/ Lv.Varies
No item
041 Firoke/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 10
Bird Keeper Ravin
Bird Keeper Ravin
Reward: Pokémon_Dollar1395
BK ravin
011 Splendifowl/ Lv.Varies
No item
110 Quetzoral/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 13
Dragon Tamer Dovak
Dragon Tamer Dovak
Reward: Pokémon_Dollar2850
Dragon Tamer Dovak
019 Terlard/ Lv.Varies
No item
Route 14
Swimmer Amalya
Swimmer Amalya
Reward: Pokémon_Dollar2000
Swimmer Amalya
157 Shrimputy/ Lv.Varies
No item
096 Glavinug/ Lv.Varies
No item
117 Titanice/ Lv.Varies
No item
